Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Balsamic BBQ Sauce

1 cup balsamic vinegar

¾ C. ketchup

1 ½ T. Dijon

1/3 C. + 2 T. brown sugar

1 ½ T. Worcestershire

3 T. shallot or sweet onion minced

Pinch of red pepper flakes

3 cloves garlic pressed

Salt and pepper to taste

Sweat shallot in 1 T. butter until soft in a small sauce pan. Add vinegar, ketchup, dijon, worcestershire and whisk to combine over medium heat. Whisk in pepper flakes, garlic, and sugar.

Taste and season with salt and pepper. Simmer on low for 30 minutes.

If you are using the BBQ as a marinade for chicken, add only half the sugar, cook fo10 minutes instead of 30, and add 3 T oil to the chicken pieces.

Use half of sauce as a marinade, and marinade chicken for 4-24 hours. Keep the other half for BBQ sauce, add remaining sugar, and use as a glaze on the grill.

This is based on Giada’s recipe, but I tweaked it quite a bit.

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